Well that's the title of this book I am currently reading. Some MIT professor, Economist by profession trying to mix Behavioural Psychology with economics. It started on an interesting note but half way through the author makes too many explicit observations which are based on common sense and thus it transforms to a dull reading. Any ways the title is interesting and that's why they advise us never to judge a book by its cover.
I saw this advertisement on a website offering 25% off on all books buy getting there membership for 500 bucks, and whats more you can order books worth 500 for free. It was so tempting and I ended up buying 6 books and spending around 1500.
I still believe that it was a rational decision. but isn't it that over spending gives us an absurd sense of achievement. We spend and feel happy about it.
We may buy books we'd never read, buy clothes to be worn only twice, or fell prey to lucrative SALE advertisements, where we ultimately end up spending more and buying stuff from which we don't deduce any value.
As the author says we do all this cause human beings are intrinsically afraid to loose. so very true and whats more this "irrational behaviour of ours is neither random or senseless. They are systematic and since we repeat them again and again Predictable!"
And its Unbelievable the amount of rationalization I have put behind buying my camera. S0 much that I don't have a camera yet, for almost 8 months since I thought of buying it in the first place.
I have pondered about it all from falling Rupee with respect to USD, buying it from grey or with warranty, from Delhi, Bangalore Singapore or US.
Its like more options you have and then you tend to decompose there respective benefits and drawbacks. You are ultimately left with huge number of IFF's and BUTT's to be mapped that grow exponentially beyond your cognitive ability to comprehend.
Only rational that seems to be plausible enough is the answer to this simple question
Of course we now know, the 'never- to-judge-by-the-cover..but the deal is worth it..I can see the good titles on the shelf :)
Money well spent I'd rather say!
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